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Available in:   5 - 7 days
A beautiful evocation of delicately coloured Chrisanthemus flowers bloom harmoniously in this stylish wallpaper. A marvelous japanese traditional floral pattern in vivid colors.
Size: 3 rolls x 52 x 300 cm / 20.5 x 118.1 in
Roll width: 0.52m / 20.5in
Roll length: 3m / 118in
Surface size: 4.65mp
Design report: 70cm / 27.6in
Colour: Green, Orange, Red
Surface: Textured Matte
Application Type: Paste the wall
Packing: 3-rolls in a box (packed together as one big roll). Price shown per box
All our wallpapers are made on new generation non-woven substrate. Printed with eco-friendly inks, MINDTHEGAP wallpaper are easy to install on any wall type.
When hanging the wallpaper, apply the ready-mix adhesive paste on the wall and hang the strips one by one by butting the edges together. The adhesive allows for a while moving the wallpaper strips, so that the wallpaper pattern continues correctly from one strip to another.

Wallpaper calculator
    • Description


      THE MARVELOUS BOOK OF WALLPAPER este o colectie unica de tapet inspirata din istoria omenirii. Schite si desene arhitecturale, formulele matematice sau elemente de arta decorativa, dar si multe alte simboluri puternice care au marcat evolutia omului, stau la baza primei colectii de tapet MINDTHEGAP.
      Categorizate pe cateva teme importante, designurile noastre sunt pline de personalitate si carisma, fiind o alegere perfecta pentru orice tip de interior.


      Informatii tehnice

      Tapetele MINDTHEGAP sunt realizate pe material netesut (non-woven) de ultima generatie. Tiparite digital cu cerneluri ecologice, tapetele MINDTHEGAP sunt usor de montat pe orice tip de perete interior. Montajul se realizeaza prin aplicarea adezivului Vlies pe perete, dupa care fiecare fasie este asezata lipita una de cealalta. Adezivul permite pentru o perioada suficienta de timp potrivirea fasiilor, astfel ca modelul tapetului sa se continue corect de la o fasie la alta.Tapetele MINDTHEGAP sunt comercializate in role de 0.52m latime si 3m lungime. Fiecare model este ambalat si livrat intr-o cutie care contine 3 fasii, in total 9 metri liniari de tapet. Repetitia design-ului difera de la model la model.


      Adezivi recomandati

      Pentru un montaj corect al tapetelor MINDTHEGAP va recomandam sa utilizati exclusiv adezivi pentru tapetele VLIES.
      Fie ca sunt sub forma de praf care trebuie dizolvat in apa sau paste gata preparate, urmati intocmai instructiunile producatorului pentru a evita orice probleme ulterioare.


      Standard de mediu

      Cernelurile folosite pentru imprimare sunt certificate conform standardelor Nordic Swan pentru managementul mediului.
      Cernelurile noastre sunt inodore, cu un grad ridicat de durabilitate, toate reziduurile fiind eliminate in mod responsabil. Fibrele naturale folosite la producerea tapetului provin din paduri administrate si exploatate in mod sustenabil.

    • Shipping information
    • Shipping methods & delivery date
      Delivery costs are determined depending on your choice between standard or express delivery, your location, weight and volume of the items in your basket then added before check-out. Once your order is dispatched, you'll receive an email letting you know your order is on its way, along with the tracking details. The made-to-order items are produced and shipped from our warehouse within 5 working days, while the in-stock items in 2-3 days.


      From the moment of shipment, a few more days are added for delivery depending on the chosen method. Express shipping takes 1-3 days, and standard shipping up to 5 working days.


      Please note that applicable sales taxes may apply based on your location. They are calculated by the authorities, depending on the local legislation.


      Our company will not be responsible for delays resulting from courier fault or caused by the client's incorrect contact information.